Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Share and Voice 5: Pass the Torch!

WOW guys, I cannot believe how long I have had these blog awards. Sorry! 

So I received 2 awards, one from Sara@ A Leaf of Sara's Life and Samantha@ Samantha's Running with the Wild. I received the Enviro-COOL blog for my Share and Voice #3 post about the environmentally friendly toilets I found at our school here at UMD! :)

***So I am passing this award on to 2 people. The first one goes to JEFF @ Cuddling Conifers with Jeff for his recent Share and Voice about helping out a friend after a fun night (you can be a good friend AND environmentally friendly!) I think this was great because it is something most of us can relate to and probably use on most weekends! I also thought it was humorous! 

***My 2nd award goes to Derek@ DP Keepin-It-Green for his recent Share and Voice: 1% for the Planet. I LOVED the video that he posted along with it because the song is amazing, there are cool pictures, and it shows companies that will donate 1% of their sales to environmental groups! I didn't even know about this and Derek spread the word! I ate a Clif bar today AND I am a fan of Jack Johnson :)...both are part of the 1% for the Planet!

So here you go Jeff and Derek! 
Here are directions for you to "pass the torch"! 

1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
2. Create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post.
5. Publish the post.
6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
7. Continue the process...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." ~Mahatma Gandhi


Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys! I gave mine to Jeff as well, so his post got two awards... haha! It was a funny post though :)

Heather Belknap said...

Congrats to all 3 of you :)

DP26 said...

Thanks for the award. I couldn't have done it without all of my wonderful classmates!!

Christen said...

Congrats all of you! Keep up the good work!

Toby said...

Thanks for the award! I'll try to keep up the good work.

Kaileigh's Nature Log said...

Congrats everyone!!:)

Dr. V. said...

Way to go, Jeff & Derek!